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I am in Grade 10

Studying Media Arts

Teacher: Arturi


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September 2009 November 2009 January 2010 April 2010
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Is Taxing Pop Really a Solution?
Thursday, January 14, 20107:21 PM

For sure I believe this campain is scare affective. I havent drank pop in a while but just thinking of it scares me to know that 1 can of pop a day can cause you to gain 10 pounds a year !! This does actually scare me even though i don't drink pop on a regular basis because my family is against pop we only have it once in a while. But now it scares me to even have a sip of it!

Yes, of course I do believe that obesity is the cause of large portions. Canadians do like alot of take out food. When we do become lazy we tend to head to Mc Donalds, Pizza Pizza or any of the closest restaurants we have to our houses. Now this is a bad thing!

When I saw this video I was in disgust because too see the pop actually turning to fat is very disgusting. It really shows us how drinking that is making us fatter.

If they do add the taxes to pop and chips and what not, I do believe it would change a few people from eating it often. They will now cut down on the times they eat and drink pop and chips because of the amount of money they would have to spend now. I know forsure my chip and pop days are CUT RIGHT DOWN !
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Photo Munipulation on Haitus in the Media
6:54 PM

Wow so I believe that photoshopped images have gone wild. Well I believe this happens because everyones thinking of that same "look" the tall, skinny, nice hair, nice skin and etc" I bolded skinny because everytime they photoshop a model they always make them so skinny!

I actually feel proud about those celebrities that are stepping up and sayin no to photoshop, its about time that they show the public who they really look like. I dont ever believe I have looked at something and said wow this looks so strange because i've always known that the way that they look in the media is definitely not how they actually look in real life with out the whole load of makeup slapped on their faces... so it haven't really struck me yet.

Yes it does bother me how companies are constantly crossing the line with their munipulations because it actually does get to peoples minds. Alot of teenagers now a days try to dress, and look like a certain model, or celebrity by putting on soo much make up, and also tryin to go on crash diets, not even understanding that those models and celebrities bodies dont even look like that in real life !

I do not think that the new "trend" of celebrities and models saying no make up will work for so long, because they practise in their world of perfection because they will always want everything to look right. Do you really think some celebrity would wake up the next day before their photoshoot and be like " I don't want makeup." They obviously want to look good for the media because they dont want the audience to be talking about them. But I'm not saying it won't work at all, but theres a chance if they try...

I do believe that it is about time that they used different size models, young and old models and basically models of any look, because everyone deserves a chance.

When I first saw the pictures of those models without make up I was really shocked. I even tried zooming into the picture to make sure it was true! It was so suprising to me to actually see a model shot with no make up, this is my first time. It made me feel that at last they recognize their own true beauty and want to take a shot of it.
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The Changing Face of Video Games
6:30 PM
Video games... oh how I love video games. I remember back then when we had those old game systems that we were inlove with.

Hmm.. what do I think about video games? Well I can sure say that it has changed over the years, Ms. Arturi's right, not only has the games changed in content, but it also changed in quality. Just thinking of it, comparing the quality of a basketball game now to a basketball game back then, the quality is much better. Technology did really rise to a new level. Now a days I believe kids are more glued on to their tv's because of video games. I can say it surely did impact me. Also if im not glued on to the tv playing video games, then i have the PSP, and Nintendo DSi going everywhere I go. Not saying that it's a good thing, but video games are like a drug... its very addicting and once you keep playing you want more and more and more games. Which allows the gaming company to keep making more games because they want the money.

Quality is something that impacts everyone. No one would buy something if it doesnt have great quality? Is this how it influenced game makers to make better games? The better it looks the more costumers... I believe so

Now WII, I must say I love it. When I first got a WII I thought wow this is so sick like I can be a player in the game! but then WII has its downfalls, it can also lead as being a bad influence. What happens to those shooting games? Its it allowin the player to practise aim for a good thing, or for a bad thing? Hmm... and are they trying to make the player feel that they are part of the game?

Also what about WII Fit. My family and I love it. Its a very good family thing to use.

Overall, I believe that these video games are still regular video games but it's just that it went a little bit beyond with allowing the player now to feel as if they are actually in the game.
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Social Awareness Contradiction
5:59 PM
What do I think about the Dove Campain for real beauty?
Well, I believe what the commercial shows is true. There are alot of women out there that do alot of things to their body to have the "look" that they dream of. So the point of the ad is for them to show women that true and real beauty is the right direction to follow. This commerical does show a positive attitude, because it shows how humans get influenced easily and are not always satified with their look. I think the little girl is to show how children get influenced as they see all of this go on around the world from television, friends, family, and by everyone who either wears make up, or does some type of surgery to there body. Also to think of it, how many girls do u see walking down the hall that aren't wearing some type of makeup on their face? theres a few that dont, but majority of them do. Im proud to say I DO NOT WEAR MAKEUP, only when I go out id wear eye liner. but I have natural features already, and everyone should be proud of their look. Positive Ad.

Now about the Axe Effect Campain Ads...
I dont know why they would put out the ad where it has all the women running after the man when he sprayed his axe. Honestly just thinking of it makes me laugh because ladies we all know its not true. This ad on the other case is not promoting the product for a good cause, but promoting it because they want the sales. They are trying to boost male confidence showing that if they spray the axe on them they would get millions of girls, which is every mans dream to get alot of girls. Now, do you really believe this is true?, as I said it's just to catch males attension to make money. Negitive Ad.

Lastly, do I believe that a 'parent' company has some responsibility to ensure that all of their different sectors uphold the same sort of beliefs or values?
Yes of course I do believe that a 'parent' company has some responsibility to ensure that all of their different sectors uphold the same sort of beliefs or values, because then this way people would more get an understanding about if the company actually cares about them or if they are just in the business because of the money and publicity. Having a positive ad, and then having a negative ad plays around with consumers head because first the ads were "Dont wear makeup, dont do surgery, use your real beauty" then they went to " Use this axe spray and ladies will be all over you." Its too confusing.
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