"Eat! Eat! Eat! & Always Stay Thin!" hmm, I think that this picture is discriminating against body sizes. I believe this ad is sayin that you should eat as much as you want but stay thin. I find this discriminating because not everybody is thin, and not everyone can stay thin. Personally, if you do see me at school... I am very thin, but yet i do eat alot. But it is not my fault that I am thin, its just me because I have a high metabolism. Ads like this, and other things like this are changing the way about how we think about ourselves these days. We look at the models in magazines, ads and etc, and automatically think they are pretty because they are thin, and which we were just like them. But then the models don't even look like that in real life. So now we have people today who go on diets, go to gyms, and stuff just to change they way they look because they want the "skinny figure." I'm not saying that it's a bad thing to go to the gym and go on diets but why change yourself to something your not? Also why make ads like this, and magazines make you want to change the way you look? and I'm not just saying this because I am already super thin. I'm saying this because people should be proud of what they already look like. I do not agree with this ad.

When I first saw this picture I was like "wow!" "Blow in her face and she'll follow you anywhere." Is this ad trying to say that women are inlove with a man that smokes and she will follow him anywhere? or is it trying to say that a man is superior and women are followers of them? I absolutely do not agree with this ad. It makes women seem meaningless.

To be honest, i dont even know what lard is! But I searched it up, and i finally know what it is. Umm, i have comment to this. Its just plain rude, and disrespectful.

Okay umm, I've never seen a doctor smoke before. Aren't they the ones who are suppose to encourage people to not smoke?... because they know about all the problems it can cause to a humans body. I just think that the point of this ad is for the "Camels" product to sell. They want to make it seem that if doctors can smoke it, then its okay for other people to smoke it too.